The cost of replacing your vehicles accessories that are lost or damaged due to an insured event, up to $5000.
Expediting costs
Reasonable costs for reasonably necessary immediate and temporary repairs; or to expedite permanent repairs to Your damaged Vehicle.
Driver transportation
Reasonable costs of transporting your driver and any passengers to the original point of departure or destination, where the vehicle is more than 100 kms from its normal garage at the time of an insured event.
Personal property
Replacement costs of any personal property owned and belonging to you or your driver that is lost or damaged at the time of an insured event.
Emergency costs
Emergency repairs or replacement to windscreens and windows and/or towing of your vehicle to the nearest repairer or place of safety.
Sign writing
Reinstatement costs of sign writing, artwork or fixed advertising signs as existing on Your Vehicle at the time of the loss or damage.